Our Method

Inclusive Action Research

“Method” means a way of doing something. Irregular Art Schools uses inclusive and action research methods.

Doing action research means we are working together to think about problems to make change happen. We try things out in real life and then look back on what we did to think about what we learnt.

Doing inclusive research means it’s vital that learning disabled and neurodivergent people are taking the lead in research that impacts them.

Using Inclusive Arts Practice

Along with inclusive and action research methods, inclusive arts practice is at the heart of how we work and think together. Throughout the research we have created artworks together and side by side to both express and reveal insights and revelations.

Technicolour Tornado

Artists Victor, Newt and Pete described our method as a “technicolour tornado”. A chaotic (but good!) creativity which swirls different ideas, people and practices together often demolishing what’s in its pathway to create something new.

Explore more of our research